Monday, December 17, 2012

Bonus Blog: What I've Learned

I really enjoyed taking this class, and getting to know more about the history the Anishnaabe people experienced. I took a native class when I attended Sault College so I already had a little bit of knowledge toward the history and what they experienced, but the text book and lectures for SWRK 1006 really helped me understand more. Relating it to Shingwalk Hall and the history of Algoma University really stood out to me also. I like how we have such an open attitude and can learn the issues head on because of the access to Shingwalk Hall.

The blogging assignments were a little unclear and hard to get into, but looking back I know I have really learned a lot. I like how we got a good understanding of the current, past and present issues relating not only to Anishnaabe people, but gays, poverty, physical and mental disabilities and other groups. Learning from other peoples groups has really opened my eyes and made me realize some faults I have within myself and ways I can fix them. I realized that many people in our country have issues and need help, and not enough people are doing anything about it. I can pass on the knowledge that i know have and hopefully educate my friends and family to take a step back and treat everyone equally and realize that everyone, regardless of their issues, are equal.

The movie " No Place to Call Home " was really touching. I truly felt for those kids and parents. I couldn't imagine feeling homeless and not knowing where your next meal will be, or where your going to be sleeping. The poor children had there innocence torn away from them, seeing their parents struggle financially and take on the burden of stress. This was really sad to watch, and I can only hope to be successful in life and not put my kids through that type of sadness.

Throughout this class I have learned about the Ideologies, history and beliefs of the Aboriginal peoples. I really enjoyed taking this class, and it has opened my thoughts of wanting to take more Social Work classes in my Psychology Degree.

- Meri-Beth *

Sunday, December 16, 2012

blog 5

This class has taught from many different angles about the different aspects as to which a community has ideologies and is affected by the different aspects of the social security system.

My learning in this class has grown to include a lot of knowledge about aboriginal people. This course focused a lot on aboriginal people which is helpful but not based on the rest of the world. It focuses on just one aspect of the world in which it focuses on only the aboriginal aspects and the sense of older communities.

This course helps to helps to show how differently groups if people are affected by the ever changing social security system. This course has helped to show how the social security system is both beneficial and can be bad in a sense too. There are two different sides of the fence and this course looks to show how each side can be seen.

The integrated learning in this class was good as a basis for just starting in this field and can be both helpful in the future and will be a good base for further knowledge.




Hick, S. (2007). Social Welfare in Canada Understanding Income Security (2nd ed.). Toronto, Canada: Thompson Educational Publishing Inc.


Straka, D. S. (2012). The Emergence of the social welfare state in Canada. Sault Ste Marie, Canada: Algoma University.

Straka, D. S. (2012). Social Welfare Theory. Sault Ste Marie, Canada: Algoma University.


blog 4

This article talks about the hardships a person with disabilities faces, but this article continues on to show how people  are working on making travelling more accessible for people. This article focuses solely on making it easier for people with disabilities to have a better time while travelling and making the whole flight from start to finish easier.

In some aspects this article looks towards the neo-conservative ideology. By making it easier for persons with disabilities to travel, it means more income for the company. This new feature is both income savvy and fits the ideology very nicely. This type of program helps a specific amount of people in a certain setting. This fits the ideology of neo-conservative ways very well.

The social ideology also fits well with this article. The people pushing the movement of easier air travel for one affected with disabilities and are looking for equality. This ideology is present in this article because with the ability of making it easier for people to travel this also increases the freedom of the person.

The implementation of this sort of assisted travel allows for people affected with a life altering disability to regain freedom in many ways. By being able to travel again this makes their life a little more normal  and allows for their lives to be more relatable and easier to live.


Source :


Hick, S. (2007). Social Welfare in Canada Understanding Income Security (2nd ed.). Toronto, Canada: Thompson Educational Publishing Inc.


Barde, J. (n.d.). New Resource aims to help people with disabilities travel with ease. Retrieved from 



Saturday, December 15, 2012

What I've learned

I've learned many things this semester, many of them personal. I've learned a lot about First Nations beliefs, which is important to me because I didn't know about the traditional ways they view things. I admire how accepting they are of different people, differences to them are gifts. I love that they believe that everyone has something to offer. "European Canadian" culture doesn't see it the same way. Most of the time we're just concerned with whether someone can contribute in the way we need them to and if they can't, they are useless. I also learned how important it is to consider the medicine wheel when making decisions. It takes the most holistic approach of all of the community and personal development models that I have studied this semester. It looks deeply at how certain things will impact all of a person's being.

I've also learned to make sure I know about all causes and aspects of a problem before I judge the people involved in it. You can't judge people and say that all of their problems are their own fault. Many times people fall into situations by chance and they are unable to help themselves. I've learned that as social workers, we have to put away our judgments and give people the tools they need to help themselves. I have also learned that empowering clients and people in the community is more effective than just going in and giving them money or some other kind of physical resource. People are more likely to flourish if they know how to take care of themselves rather than depend on social workers and community practitioners.

When we watched the documentary "No Place to Call Home", I found myself so appalled at how hard the family was working to get themselves out of their situation, but nothing seemed to be working. They moved from place to place and their land lords kept treating them so badly. The children were so strong, understanding of their situation and supportive of their mother. She worked so hard at her multiple jobs, but it was still barely enough to make rent every month. There was nearly no money for extras and her children often went without. When she refused to take welfare money, I thought it was because she was too proud, but after listening to talk about why, I realized how discriminatory our policies are. If she had decided to go on assistance, she would be receiving less money than she made working three jobs. It wasn't worth it. I have learned so much about how the programs that are meant to help people, can actually put them into worse situations. Through this video, I also learned a lot about multi-generational poverty. Mrs.Rice was in the same situation that her mother was in, and her grandmother. I learned how difficult it can be to get yourself out of poverty in our country. Many people would say that Mrs.Rice's boyfriend is lazy and should be doing more to provide for his family, but he most likely has many personal issues that were not discussed on film. I've also learned that it is not necessarily my place to judge the severity of someone's personal issues. He may have had severe depression or anxiety which can be a majorly debilitating hurdle to overcome when you are trying to work.

Lastly, I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned that I judge people very quickly without even realizing it sometimes. I think that that is human nature, but it is something that I have to learn to control if I want to be a good social worker. Secondly, I have learned that if I lack motivation, I have a very difficult time getting things done. I will be honest, I hated doing these blog assignments. I learned a lot from doing them and from reading other people's, but all through the semester, I wasn't passionate about them, so they got pushed to the wayside until I had all of my other assignments done. I am still working on teaching myself how to get motivated, even if I don't want to do something and that all of my classes are of equal value. I have learned where my true passions are and I hope to be able to work with families like the Rice family one day.

- Morgan

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Vetran Disability and the new Vetran's Charter (Socail Democracy)

           Veterans expect to come home to money and support from their government yet problems with pension payments happen, leading to unsatisfied veterans and unsatisfied physical and financial needs. The veteran’s charter was created in the best interest of not only the individuals collecting pension but those who come home from service injured, yet they’re seeing cutbacks and only minor increase in help programs for veterans.

The New Veterans Charter was developed in hopes of creating a more complete approach to helping our men and women injured in the line of duty. The first 4 points are: (VAC, 2011)
-        It is about providing Veterans with the help they need, for as long as they need it. And it is never too late for Veterans to get that help.
-        No amount of money can compensate for a life-altering injury or illness; however, the New Veterans Charter offers real hope.
-        It provides financial security for as long as Veterans are unable to be gainfully employed, and it offers the programs that injured and ill Veterans need to lead more healthy, rewarding and independent lives.
-       Those who are the most injured get the most help. 
Many blame the New Veterans Charter for starting the trouble with their pension plans. The Charter came into effect in 2006 and created a pension system that some vets have called "a national disgrace." Before the Charter, soldiers who had been disabled in service were entitled to a monthly disability pension for the rest of their lives. The Charter scrapped that in favour of a one-time disability award.

In Budget 2007, the Government of Canada recognized the growing number of injuries developing and committed $9 million toward doubling Veterans Affairs Canada’s network (VAC, 2011). The Government of Canada also committed $1 million to hire eight peer-support counselors to assist families. The number of Veterans identified with operational stress injuries has jumped to 13,000 men and women, from just 2,000 barely a decade ago; which means that the little improvements that have been made are just not enough to fulfill the need.(VAC, 2011)

Military pensions were created by melding existing government pension plans with the introduction of Canadian Pension Plan in 1966. The decision was made NOT to stack the two pensions, and therefore to keep employee pension contributions low. Because of this, Canadian Forces members are receiving incomes consistent with what they paid into their pension plans. Veterans Affairs Minister Steven Blaney says the government plans to pump in $2 billion to improve the benefits of injured war veterans. But critics say it could take more than 50 years to spend that money -- and much of that new money could be eroded in upcoming cuts to Veterans Affairs. (Mulholland, 2011)

Veterans expect to come home to money and support from their government yet problems with pension payments happen, leading to unsatisfied veterans and unsatisfied physical and financial needs. The veteran’s charter was created in the best interest of not only the individuals collecting pension but those who come home from service injured, yet they’re seeing cutbacks and only minor increase in help programs for veterans.


Vetran Affairs Canada. Vetran Affairs Canada. Canada, 10 Jan. 2011. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Path:

Mulholland, A. "Veterans still angry over pensions, budget cuts." CTV News. N.p., 10 Nov. 2011. Web. 9 Dec. 2012. Path:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog #5 - What I Learned

Blog Post #5 – What I Learned

            Within this semester I have learned a lot of information from this course, and I also learned a lot of new information about the group I was assigned to all semester. I want to focus on the top two things I found interesting about the course, and describe them and explain why I found them interesting. Firstly, in September we focused on “Anishnaabek Concept of Society to the People” where this discussion talked about different groups of people and discussed what they thought of them. I found this super interesting because I noticed that Anishnaabek peoples thought so kindly of everyone and they always found good in one another. I am just so used to their always being discrimination towards one another that I thought it was amazing how open they were to everyone and how kind they are to one another. An example of this is people with physical disabilities, this was the group I studied all semester and I found it amazing that they didn’t belittle them or think of them any different from one another. Anishnaabek peoples seen them as a gift from the creator and that people who had disabilities were cared for by the community. Secondly, I found learning about the Ideologies very interesting and beneficial for the course. When we first started learning about them I really didn’t grasp the whole concept on why we needed to know this, but once I started to re-read my notes it all came together piece by piece. I found this all very interesting because I always heard about “Liberal” and “Conservative” but I never knew what it all meant. I learned that by believing in a certain ideology, as an example Liberal, is the reason why you believe in certain social problems differently from someone who believes more towards the Conservative view. This is because the ideology you believe in is how you view the world, all the problems, and how to deal with them. Overall the course and the information I learned was all very interesting and it was a great class to attend.

            The group I studied all semester was “People with Physical Disabilities.” From doing my four blog posts I have learned a lot of information I never knew about. Some of the information was an eye opener and it really hurt to read because I could not believe that this stuff actually went on in life. My favourite blog post was the Veterans Claw Back, this was a huge eye opener to me and I was very, very shocked. The conservative government took away the Veterans and Ex-Soldiers pensions and disability insurance where this lead to the Veterans/Ex-Soldiers families having a really hard time trying to get by and pay for everything that they needed. I was also very upset by the fact that people who have physical disabilities have a really hard time finding work. There are many barriers that stop these people from receiving work. Even if they have their diploma they are still having troubles getting work due to all the barriers they face. In general when studying with this group, I have learned even little things such as how to “say things properly” such as the proper way to speak about someone with a disability is to say “people with disabilities.” Overall everything was super interesting and I’m glad I learned about this because I came in very clueless.

            In conclusion, not only did I learn new information from the course and about the group I was assigned to, but I also learned a lot from the other groups in the class. I found the group presentations very useful and interesting because the presentations also made me realize many other issues that are around the world that I was unaware of. I was very shocked when learning about how many people were affected by poverty and the fact that the government isn’t trying to get them out of poverty but just give them money so then they can get by. However I am happy I took this course because it was all very interesting and even though Social Work is not my major and I will never have a Social Work class again, all the information to me is useful and it is all good information to know and to be aware about. I bet there are many other people who are blind to see all the issues and problems in life just like I was.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Youth with Disabilites and their Future

          Youth with disabilities are a large demographic in todays’ society. It is a big issue for new parents but it is important to make sure that they have the ability to have some independence. According to the NPHS, there were approximately 564, 575 children and youth between birth and 19 years of age with disabilities in 1996-97 (CPU, 2012). Youth is a hard time for any individual and it is extremely important that kids are not only prepared for schooling but what will happen after. All of the issues that affect young people, such as access to education, employment, health care and social services, also affect youth with disabilities, but in a far more complex way.

When a child is born or develops a disability, it is often seen as a tragic event by his or her family and community. In many countries, thankfully not in North America, there are certain traditional beliefs associated with the causes of disability, such as curses and contagion, which results in these children and their mothers being shunned and isolated. Unfortunately some families do not know how to put the  priorities and the needs of their children with disabilities first, which is shown by higher levels of malnutrition, lower rates of immunization, and higher rates of infection among children with disabilities (DSEA, 2012).
            School helps children with disabilities grow confident because of the regularity and structure of a school that fills a child’s day with classes and activities that helps them become more independent, the more the get used to the routine the easier it becomes. Starting this at a young age helps children achieve these goals by making a successful transition from being a student to being an adult. It has been developed primarily for families who have sons and daughters with disabilities. It is provided with the hope that families and young people with disabilities will have the information they require and confidence to be actively involved in planning for life beyond the classroom. It is important at this stage to instill in them the confidence it will take for them to also be successful post-secondary life.
           Making that transition from school to either the work place or further study is both exciting and challenging. All of the issues that affect young people, such as access to education, employment, health care and social services, also affect youth with disabilities, but in a far worse way. Attitudes and discrimination linked to disability make it much more difficult for youth with disabilities to find work after secondary education. Being prepared and utilizing different programs that will help them get into a job is important (NBACL, 2006). The confidence instilled in them and a strong family foundation should help them be more confident and willing to get in there and put their all into doing their best at the job.

Everyone wishes good things on their children weather or not they have disabilities; they want them to have a job, a good home and friends, opportunities to and be functional and involved in their community. Issues such as access to education, employment, health care and social services effect youth whether or not they have a disability and it is important the the doors to the programs and support they need are open and accessible.

- Marquise

Youth with Disabilities (2012). In UN: Department of Social and Economic affairs. Retrieved December 6, 2012, from

CPU, . (2012). Children and Youth with Disabilities. In Special needs project. Retrieved December 7, 2012, from

NBACL. (2006). Transition from School to Work for Youth with Disabilities . In New Brunswick Association for Community Living. Retrieved December 6, 2012, from

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Children with Disabilities

 Many children in Canada face special challenges. Sometimes a child's physical disability may be the result from an accident, such as a car wreck or fall, or they may be born with the disability that prohibits normal growth. Education plays a major roll, as children face learning disabilities, bullying and social alienation.

Many of these children do attend regular public schools, and learn in regular classrooms with other students. The chances of there being another physically disabled child in the classroom is not likely, so the child may have a hard time making friends. Since it is more of a challenge to play and socialize at recess and classroom, the disabled children tend to be more quiet and distant from other students. Mental or Emotional stress may also create a communication issue.

Anger and frustration issues are expressed with children who have a physical disability. They want to be included with the other children playing, and when they are shunned and looked down on, social rejection is very hurtful. According to an article, approximately 56 percent of children with disabilities "act out" verbally or physically. Without warning, incidents can occur at school, home or in a public place, such as a store or largely populated area. This is not only very stressful on the child, but also for the parent.(Larin HM, Tancredi A, Wright M, Yundt B, 2006)

Sleep problems are also a concern for caregivers of children with disabilities. They experience nightmares and suddenly may need assistance with going to the bathroom, or calming down when they feel overwhelmed. This disrupts the parent's sleep and further causes job stress, and day to day living, because now they are tired the next day. Not only do they experience poor sleeping due to nightmares, but pain related to their disability is causing setbacks. Sleep has a significant impact on the daily functioning of children and their parents.

In a recent study, questionnaires were completed by care givers and siblings of the physically disabled children. They reported significantly greater concerns regarding; general sleep problems, safety, discomfort at night, night wakening, daytime irritability, interference with daytime activities and sleep-related health concerns in children with physical disabilities than in their counterparts. In order to solve these issues, they cited strategies to alleviate these problems such as; consistent routines and provision of calming, and supportive sleep environments. The well being of the child needs to be addressed with a pediatric therapist.

Overall, I think that we live in a country that is evolving in change, and fortunately there is knowledge about the issues of physically disabled children. There are many teachers assistance in the education system that are set out to help the children, and with our free health care system the caregivers are also able to seek the assistance they need in dealing with them. Of coarse the issues can be made more aware, but generally we do see a lot of services that help families dealing with a children who are physically disabled. Neoconservatives would look at these issues as challenging and hard to overcome, because change is necessary. Since they cannot embrace change and accept new beginnings in making the issues aware to the Canadian population, they would consider the challenges useless.

- Meri-Beth *


Retrieved from:
(Danielle Eickenhorst,1999-2000) Problems Faced by Children With Physical Disabilities, eHow Contributor


( Larin HM, Tancredi A, Wright M, Yundt B, 2006) Sleep issues in children with physical disabilities and their families. McMaster Children's Hospital-CDRP, Hamilton, ON, Canada
PMID:16966316 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]




Course review

                This class has been quite the experience for me.  I have learned about so many things that I barely knew anything about and on things that I had background knowledge of, I learned even more about it.  It really opened my eyes to the situations around me, to the people I see every day and how I view things. 

            I think that the history we learned in class was really good, it gave a great start to the information learned in class and belonged in the category of things that I didn’t really know about.  I really thought that our group blogs and the final presentation at the end were the best parts of this course. I learned so much about my group (disabilities) and honestly want to continue to learn more about what’s going on in this world for people with disabilities and what I can do to help or contribute. The group presentation was a good way to get closer with people in my class that I didn’t talk to often or didn’t know. I think it was great being able to share with the class what we’ve learned.   

            Now more specifically what I’ve learned from the blogs, honestly I had no idea that about 15% of Canadians have some sort of disability, that’s crazy! That means that there should definitely be more resources and programs to assist people with disabilities since 15% is a big number of the population.  And of the 15% of people that have disabilities, I believe that 8% of them are also living in poverty. How could those families take care of their child that has a disability when they’re not making enough money, it’s really sad. I also learned a lot from reading other people’s blogs and their presentations.  It was really a great experience. 

            Collectively I’ve learned a lot in this year, in this semester and in this course, I’m continuing to take social work in my next semester as well and I hope I can learn just as much or more in the classes to come. 

By: Chelsea L

My Reflection on the Course

Overall I have learned a lot in this course between the class lectures, my research on physical disabilities, and the final presentations. Within the class lectures I understood the ideologies because they were a huge focus to this course, and we had to apply them to three of our blog posts. I also gained a lot of knowledge from going over the proper terminology including proper terminology on how to address aboriginals and how we address someone with a disability; person with a disability.
            Within my research on physical disabilities I included information about; parents taking care of adult children with disabilities, entrepreneurs with disabilities and housing in Canada for people with disabilities. On all of my blog posts I did not just touch on an issue that people with disabilities face, I found programs to support people with disabilities to make the topics more meaningful. I believe that the most important topic I discussed was the entrepreneurs with disabilities because it goes beyond just the disability, it defines their economic stability and it shows how discriminating people can be.
            Besides my blog posts, I also learned a lot of different information from my fellow bloggers who posted in physical disabilities. One person discussed disability discrimination in the workforce, which I found very interesting because I had already done a blog post about people with disabilities in the workforce. The one story that someone had mentioned was about a trip that a family took and one got sick, but the disability support they were on did not give them help for travel insurance. I still question this story, and if I had more time it would be something I would look into more and possibly create my own blog regarding this topic. The one topic that was addressed and I was unaware of was how high of a rate there was about women with disabilities being abused. These women were unable to gain the freedom that they are entitled to because they do have a disability and sometimes it does not give them a lot of protection. I was very shocked at home many people would abuse someone just because they showed that they had a disability and they were female.
            I enjoyed how we were able to have a quick view of the other group’s topics, because not everything can be covered in class. When the queer group living in Canada presented, it was a huge eye opener to me of what people have to go through on a daily basic just because of their sexual preference. When they handed out the questionnaire was what really bothered me because these are not normal questions we get on a daily basis, but someone who is not heterosexual do get asked these questions everyday.  After listening to the Canadians Living in the North group, it taught me a lot about what people in our own country go through when it comes to living expenses and conditions, things that we would never consider in Sault Ste. Marie.
Through all of the blog posts I was surprised at how many different programs there are to support people within everybody’s blog topics. I was unaware of many of these programs, and I look forward to learning more about these programs through the rest of my education. I choose physical disabilities because that is the area I am interested in for my future career, however after this class it made me realize what else is out there, and that I should really open my mind for more possibilities. 

- Kahli 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Housing for People With Disabilities

        Housing in Canada has become very hard to find for majority of people, it is especially difficult for a person with disabilities (Council of Canadians with Disabilities, 2012). The issue is finding proper housing that will suit their needs such as; an easy to access entrance way for a wheelchair, and a house that is equipped to help make a person with disabilities life easier (Council of Canadians with Disabilities, 2012). “Too frequently people have no choices and live in housing that is unsafe and marginally accessible” (Council of Canadians with Disabilities, 2012). It is noted how difficult it is to find these proper establishments, so the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program was started to make it easier on both residence owners and landlords.
            The RRAP program was designed to help people with disabilities make their house accessible to them. This program "offers financial assistance to allow home owners and landlords to pay for modifications to make their property more accessible to people with disabilities" (Service Canada, 2012). This is a great opportunity for homeowners to take advantage of because they can use this money to make their home fully equipped to suit all of their needs, ultimately creating an easier life for them. This is also an amazing opportunity for landlords because they are receiving money where they normally would not. This is to ensure that their houses/apartment buildings are accessible to people with a disability. People with disabilities may not financially be capable and they may not be capable of the upkeep of owning their own home. By landlords receiving money to make their buildings accessible it gives more availability for people with disabilities to find proper housing. To qualify for this program your property must qualify. In order to apply for this your property must be: "occupied, or is intended to be occupied, by a low-income person with a disability; is rented and the rents are less than established levels for the area; or is owned and the house is valued below a certain amount; and does not have major deficiencies to the structure and system" (Service Canada, 2012). If a house owner or landowner were to fit these criteria, then they would be eligible for the RRAP.
            This program fits very well into the liberal ideology. The liberal ideology believes in pragmatism, liberalism, individualism and humanism (Hick, pg59). "Pragmatism means that, as a government or an individual, you do what needs to be done" (Hick, pg59). Homeowners and landlords have to make buildings accessible for people with disabilities so that they are capable of having proper living conditions, it is not a choice, and it is something that needs to be done. “Disability was presented as an attribute of particular people deviating from a supposed physical norm” (Harrison & Davis, pg213). People with disabilities are physically capable of living on their own and the RRAP program benefits them so they can physically maneuver in their home without having any difficulty, and with ought them being deviated from physical norms. With the RRAP program it helps both homeowners and landlords financially so they are capable of making their building accessible, and it allows everyone to have the opportunity to proper living. "Liberals firmly believe that governments should intervene to ensure that the economy and the society remain stable and grow" (Service Canada, 2012). With the RRAP, the government is ensuring that people with disabilities are offered proper housing, because this program is providing them with money. This program allows for people with disabilities to have social security within their home (Hick, 2007).
            Without having the proper equipment it is very difficult to get around a home if you have a disability. You need to have all the right equipment for inside and outside the home. This can become very costly, and the majority of people with disabilities are already struggling for money due to being on a disability and not being able to work. This program is excellent for helping those that cannot afford it, because the adjustments to a home are something that a person with disabilities needs and usually cannot afford.

Harrison, Malcolm & Davis, Cathy. (April 2001). Housing, Social Policy and Difference. The Policy Press. Retrieved From:

Service Canada. (May 16, 2012). Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program- RRAP for Persons with Disabilities. Retrieved From:

Hick, Steven,. (2007) Social Welfare in Canada: Understanding Income Security. Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational Publishing.

Council of Canadians with Disability. (May 6, 2012). Affordable accessible housing- A Critical Issue for People with Disabilities. Retrieved From:  

- Kahli