Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ideologies dealing with Disabilities
Fears of delays on disability insurance relates to a more neo-conservative/neo-liberal ideology. This particular article looks toward the little need of disability insurance. There seems to be no rush to get this done and underway. This shows that the government does want to create a dependency upon this insurance. There will be an increase in the amount of insurance paid out which looks upon the social democratic ideology.

Neo-conservative/neo-liberal ideologies in this article is a bad thing. It shows that there areas some inequalities present in the way this government choose to get the disability insurance. The government in this sense were very secretive about how they were planning to go about the insurance distribution and the decisions deal with the prior issues to it.

“It’s not about attaining the aspirations people with disabilities have had for decades.” (P.6, L.4) This quote goes to show the ideology more clearly by showing that it’s not about helping all people affected by disabilities just the really needy. There was a reduction in the types and number of people who will be affected by this bill dealing with disability insurance. The article shows that they will enforce compliance within the objectives demanded. But there is no rush for the government to help those who are in need.

The disability insurance could help the disabled in many ways some which would include monetary things as well as different services. The government shows that they do not see an important need for the insurance and the help it would give to those who need it.

“They’re not going to walk away from keeping recommendations of the productivity commission…” (P.9) This statement shows two different aspects of the neo-conservative/liberal ideology that market forces will rule. This follows along by saying that even though there are government ideals they will in turn follow along with the recommendations that have been given. The government will allow for the market forces to govern the full extent of how the disability insurance is decided.

The social democratic ideology is looked at in this article. This is only seen in one aspect where it states that funding will be increased as per the usual funding. There article says that the funding will increase by approximately $14300. This shows that ideology is trying to value social equality and cooperation. By each person who receives the disability insurance it allows for a little more freedom. In this ideology it shows that the free market responds to the demand not the need in society. The government in this situation helps to ensure freedom by allowing for equal chances of those in need. The social democratic ideology is present in this article in one way that is present.

The ideologies in this article are shown in two ways. In some aspects the government is unfair and unequal but can also be equal. The ideologies are very important when recognized because it allows for the reader and person affected by the decisions to see both sides.


1.       Salunsinszky, Imre. "Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian." Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov. 2012. <>.



  1. While reading your blog post I was shocked that the government really didn't think it was a need to give insurance. I sometimes feel they really just don't care. It is upsetting to know they are not taking the matter seriously when it is so obvious that people are in need for this!

    Your blog post was an eye opener to me because I was also unaware that they really only helped the needy first. Everyone deserves to be treated with fairness and everyone needs the help! Even though their funds did increase, I hope they go through with it, because that would be really unfortunate. One day I hope this will change and they can get the full help they need.

  2. forgot to put name after comment : Hunter

  3. I agree with Hunter that this post was an eye opener. The general public would think that the government would take these matters into consideration and very seriously at that. I feel that sometimes the government neglects the well being of their citizens and the needs of the public when the public in general looks up to the government to give back to the community and help. Everyone is equal and equal distribution needs to be taken into consideration. The government and all of their cutbacks to different social assistance programs is completely outrageous to me because they are giving these assistance to people who need it in the first place. Therefore clearly there is a demand for the assistance if they gave it in the first place, and then they just decide the assistance is not as important as another issue? It mind boggles me to the fullest because we look up to the government and need to start looking at everyone who needs the help equally.

