Monday, November 19, 2012

Helping to get the disabled back to work

In a social democratic view there is a value of social equality, justice and cooperations (Straka,2012). A person who is faced with disabilities meets circumstances in daily life where there is inequality and hardship that a person without disability will never have to face in a day. Texas tech was awarded a large sum of money to help them transition students who have disabilities into job (Avalanche Journal, 2012). By doing this to help students this encourages students that they will have an equal chance of getting the same jobs as there non-disabled counterparts. There are many  people who are disabled and play an active functioning role in today society.  The social democratic ideology goes along the lines of equality for everyone no matter what walk of life they have come from.

The article states that many Texans with disabilities experience higher then normal unemployment rates(avalanche journal, 2012). The point of this project is to help people with disabilities have an easier transition into a career and the workplace. This project will help alleviate some of the stress that a disabled person feels while having to compete against a non-disabled person. The project helps to qualify people to work in many different places, but this will allow for the disabled to have a more normal life.

By creating equal opportunities for people who have disabilities whether its physical or mental, it allows for the person affected to experience a normal life without being subject to hardships and a lack of job. This project will be very beneficial in the future and will show that even though a person many have a disability doesn’t mean they aren’t a useful as a person without one.

The social democratic ideology says that by just taking a reduction in inequality isn’t enough (Straka,2012). I believe it means that by choosing a starting point and removing the barriers that affect social inequality will help to eventually alleviate it altogether.  In everyday life you may have come into contact with a person who is affected with a disability and you may not even know it. Just because a disability isn’t completely visible to the eye doesn’t mean that the disabled deserve a lesser chance of being treated equal compared to another.


Journal, A. (n.d.). Project to help students with disabilities secure integrated jobs. Retrieved from 

Straka, S. (2012). Social Welfare Theory. Sault Ste Marie, Canada: Algoma University.
- Trista

1 comment:

  1. I believe this is an excellent program because it is giving people with disabilities a chance that they may not have without this program! I have done a similar blog post involving entrepreneurs with disabilities. The program allows people with disabilities the chance to be their own boss, earn a living, and take care of themselves. I believe with more programs like this, it will allow for people with disabilities to have an equal chance at life, just like a person without a disability.

    - Kahli
